Friday, August 7, 2009

Dublin Ógra in solidarity with Dublin Port workers

Dublin Ógra Shinn Féin activists manned a picket yesterday outside theFour Courts in the city. A march was held by the Dublin Port WorkersGroup last week in support of SIPTU members who are in dispute with UKcompany Peel Ports at the Marine Terminal in Dublin Port on Tuesday28, July. Over 300 people from the communities of East Wall, Irishtownand Ringsend from both sides of the river Liffey joined together tohold a protest at the Marine Terminal where forty-two SIPTU membershave been picketing for over a month over the company’s refusal tonegotiate with the union and to enforce pay cuts and redundancies.

The company took a High Court injunction which prevents effectivepicketing by the striking workers. While the workers were lockedoutside their place of employment, scabs from Britain were employed,while Irish workers weren't paid.

Yesterday morning, the controversy was resolved. It was agreed that thedefendants and their agents would be restrained from picketing thecompany's cargo terminal in a manner which directly obstructs vehiclesseeking access to and egress from the Marine Terminal's facility.

Dublin Ógra spokesperson Daithí Byrne said; "The fact that MarineTermal Ltd. workers were treated in such a fashion is a disgrace.Dublin Port is state owned, with MTL its sole tenant. The governmenthave a duty to intervene in support of workers rights. The Britishowned company appears to have faced no oppostition from the governmentwhile it walked all over the workers. Dublin ÓSF activists have beensupporting workers rights day and night over the last week and willcontinue to do so."

To contact Dublin Ógra Shinn Féin for information or to join, contact

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